
I’m Chris Sessions, owner of AO Solutions, and my passion for nonprofits and giving back is at the very core of who I am. I’ve always been driven by the idea of making a difference and supporting causes that improve the lives of others. As an avid golfer, I’ve spent years on planning committees for various events, where I learned the importance of organization and engagement to make each fundraiser a success. Professionally, I’m an Operations Executive, constantly seeking ways to make organizations more efficient and effective. Having a child with special needs has shown me just how essential nonprofits are in transforming lives, and I’m deeply thankful for the opportunity to work with these organizations every day. With AO Solutions, I’m able to combine my love for nonprofits with my expertise in operations to help these amazing organizations achieve their goals and make a lasting impact on the communities they serve. Helping nonprofits succeed isn’t just what I do – it’s what I love.
Director of Cuteness
Ava, my incredible daughter, was born with Prenatal CMV, which resulted in hearing loss and developmental delays. But none of that has stopped her from living life to the fullest and spreading joy wherever she goes. She has a heart full of love and is passionate about helping kids, always eager to make a difference. Ava is actively involved in the Youth Volunteer Corps, where she gives back to her community, and she proudly competes on her high school’s Unified Bowling team. Her positive spirit, determination, and love for life inspire everyone around her, and I couldn’t be more proud of the amazing young woman she is becoming.